Welcome to EQ

Led by Gary Platts

“If we were to ask a thousand up-and-coming producers what tool they use the most, EQ would top the list. A lot of people think too lightly of EQ and what it does. This could lead to wrong decisions when it comes to mixing and a lot of long nights trying to fix the problem. To make sure you don’t lose too much sleep, I explain EQ and why it’s important for you to understand what you’re doing.”

Welcome to EQ Explained

You will get to understand & get hands on with :

1. Where instruments live in 20/20

2. When to cut & when to boost

3. How to clear up mud in your mix

4. How to mix wide & tall

5. The sound scape

6. The high & low pass filters

7. The gain structure

8. Compression & Limiting

9. Reverb & Delay

10. Balancing

To book in to the EQ classes, fill in the form below to get in touch.